Mrs. Cheryl G. Thornton

Subjects Taught
Third Grade


Graduated from Scottsboro High School in 1985

Graduated from Northeast State Junior College in 1987

Graduated from Jacksonville State University in 1988 with a dual degree in Elementary Education and Early Childhood Education

Completed my Master's Degree in Curriculum and Instruction from University of Phoenix online


Worked for the North Alabama Center for Educational Excellence for three years

Taught second grade for seven years at Nelson Elementary School

Taught Indian Education Math at Caldwell, Brownwood, Nelson, and Collins for seven years

Math teacher for Kindergarten through 4th Grade and Computer Lab Teacher at Brownwood Elementary School

Third Grade teacher at Brownwood Elementary


My name is Cheryl Thornton.  I am married to Lynn Thornton, and we have four children.  We have two sons (Christian and Dillon).  We are also the parents of twin girls (Adyson and Matlyn).  My girls attend Fyffe.  I teach Third Grade at Brownwood Elementary School. I have been teaching for over 20 years now and love seeing their faces light up when they learn something new. 

We live on a small farm in Fyffe with lots of animals, and enjoy it very much! 

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